Walltown Food Ministries
The purpose of the Food Pantry is to provide wholesome, nutritious food, paper supplies and cleaning products to the at risk, the underserved and income challenged persons in Walltown and surrounding areas of Durham, NC. The Pantry distributes 120,000 pounds of food each year to 200 families in Durham. Non-perishable items are distributed once a month.

Food Shopping
Volunteers go to the Food Bank and various retail stores to purchase food items for the Food Pantry. There are two shopping trips per month with 8-10 persons needed for each trip. Once the items are purchased, volunteers are asked to deliver them to the pantry location.
Food Packing and Sorting
Once per month the items at the pantry are sorted and packed in bags for distribution. Volunteers needed: 10-12

Food Distribution
Typically on the 4th Thursday of each month the bags are distributed. Volunteers check off registered persons, enroll new persons to the program and distribute bags. Volunteers needed: 15-20